Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bibliography on 3 John: Articles and Chapters

Here's a pretty comprehensive bibliography of articles and chapters relating specifically to the epistle of Third John.  If I've missed anything, please let me know. 
Campbell, Barth L. “Honor, hospitality and haughtiness: the contention for leadership in 3 John.” EQ 77 (2005): 321-341.
Clark, David J. “Discourse Structure in 3 John,” BT 57 (2006): 109 – 15.
Donfried, Karl P. “Ecclesiastical Authority in 2-3 John,” Évangile de Jean: Sources, rédaction, théologie. Edited by M. de Jonge. BETL44 (Gembloux: Duculot, 1977), 325-333.
Floor, Sebastiaan “A Discourse Analysis of 3 John,” Notes on Translation 4.4 (1990): 1-17.
Funk, Robert W. “The Form and Structure of II and III John.” Journal of Biblical Literature 86 (1967): 424-30.
Horvath, T. “3 Jn 11b: An Early Ecumenical Creed?” The Expository Times 85 (1974): 339-340.
Landrus, Heather L. “Hearing 3 John 2 in the Voices of History,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 11.1 (2002): 70-88.
Lorencin, Igor “Hospitality versus Patronage: An Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John” Andrews University Seminary Studies 46.2 (2008): 165-174.
Malherbe, A. J. “Hospitality and Inhospitality in the Church,” Social Aspects of Early Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983), 92-112.
Malina, B. J. “The Received View and What it Cannot Do: III John and Hospitality,” Semeia (): 171-194.
Mitchell, Margaret M. “’Diotrephes Does Not Receive Us’: The Lexicographical and Social Context of 3 John 9-10,” Journal of Biblical Literature 117.2 (1998): 299-320.
Neufeld, D., ‘The socio-rhetorical force of ‘truth talk’ and lies: The case of 1 John’, HTS Theological Studies 67 (2011): 1-10.
O’Donnell, M.B., and C.J. Smith, ‘A Discourse Analysis of 3 John’ The Linguist as Pedagogue: Trends in the Teaching and Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament, Eds. S.E. Porter and M.B. O’Donnell. (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009).
Polhill, John B. “An Analysis of II and III John.” Review & Expositor 67 (1970): 461-471.
Polhill, John B. “The Setting of 2 John and 3 John,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10.3 (2006): 28-39.
Storm, Melvin R. “Diotrephes: A Study of Rivalry in the Apostolic Church”, ResQ 35 (1993): 193-202.
Van Oudtshoorn, A. “Every Letter Tells a Story: Mission and Unity at Odds in the Local Church: A Socio-Narrative Analysis of 3 John,” Pacifica: Journal of the Melbourne College of Divinity (2011): 267-282.
Watson, D. F. “A Rhetorical Analysis of 3 John: A Study in Epistolary Rhetoric,” CBQ 51 (1989): 479-501.
Whitman, Andrew. “Third John: Helping or Hindering with the Spread of the Gospel?” Evangel 15 (1997): 37-42.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Bible Interpretation Without the Bible?

I wonder if it would be better to teach my “Bible Interpretation” class using texts from outside the Bible.  Essentially the aim of the course is to teach methods, goals and practices of good interpretation and if I could cover the same exercises without using the Bible, then they could take those same methods and apply them to the bible.  The assessments could still be focussed on biblical texts but the class room analysis could be on texts unfamiliar to the student.  We could use texts from ANE, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Apostolic Fathers in our classroom exercises, texts from similar historical, cultural, and ideological environments in which the Bible was written.  The benefit of this approach would be that students would have no theological/ideological investment in the specific “meaning” of these texts, since most of them would be unfamiliar with these writings and have no vested interest in their interpretation.  There could be a sustained focus on texts that aid our interpretation of the Bible and also this would alert students to the various texts which provide the necessary ideological, historical and cultural matrix within which biblical writings are to be understood. 


Thoughts?  What am I missing?