Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mailing Corinth

When we open the Corinthians’ mail, we find ourselves confronted immediately by some remarkable claims about God’s designs for the community of people to whom Paul writes. The opening sentence of the letter declares… that theCorinthians are a community specially summoned by God for service… This does not mean that the Corinthians have some special vocation that sets them apart from other Christians; rather, they – along with all other Christians – are set apart from a confused and perishing world, marked by God as God’s people. Paul regards all the members of all his churches as “the saints…” Thus, he and his readers are caught up in a cosmic drama, and they must play a distinctive role in God’s actions to rescue the world.

[1] R. Hays, First Corinthians (John Knox, 1996), pg. 15

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