Thursday, June 02, 2005

Still Busy

Blogging has been too slow lately, but unfortunately due to internet problems here in Southern Africa, and a hectic schedule, I hope to return to blogging in a week or so.

I'm trying to get hold of R. D. Kaylor's book: Jesus the Prophet: His Vision for the Kingdom of God on Earth which is a much neglected work in the "Third Quest." Ben Witherington has an excellent discussion about it in his book The Jesus Quest. Witherington has this quote which is very encouraging:
One can argue that Jesus' words and actions had political implications without arguing that Jesus was primarily a political actor... Jesus preached and taught a message that was thoroughly political, a message that demanded a social and political revolution.[1]
This adds to my selection of quotes from Caird that I hope to discuss in the coming weeks. Until then...
[1] Kaylor, Jesus the Prophet, pg. 213


Eddie said...

Dude, you were reading that book when i was in SA...

Sean said...

Um, yes I was reading this when you were here. But because you were here, I never fully got to delve into it, to study it carefully. To contemplate it's position and see how it differs or coheres with mine... The life of a student!