Friday, October 14, 2005

Things to read...

There's some interesting stuff available in the blog-world this week.
  • Scot McKnight alerts us to the Biblical Curse Generator [I wonder if I can use some of these for my thesis? Maybe as a critique of ________ ?]. Hilarious, that would be.
  • Mike Bird hopes on Things to Come in Bloggerdom? in which I make a cameo appearance.
  • Brandon Wason has a neat post on The Cultus Deorum in Ancient Rome.
  • Paul Chen offers thoughts on What Jesus did NOT die For.
  • RBL offers Jimmy Dunn's review of Cameron, Ron and Merrill P. Miller, eds.Redescribing Christian Origins.
  • Mark Goodacre offers the [funny] article on Is There a Theological Brain Drain? in the UK. I say funny because I consider the UK to have the best New Testament Scholars, and many fine theologians, and because I live, work and study in a country where I can't think of a single scholar that matches their rank and prestige. Plus, Mike Bird must have added something to what the UK lost with Goodacre...
Be sure to check them out and let the cognitive reflections begin...

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